
Moologa Herbal infusion, Croton gratissimus var gratissimus, a bushy tree with golden yellow leaves that is packed full of medicinal benefits.  Moologa has been taken as health promoting herbal infusion and has been used in traditional medicines for centuries. It continues to be grown and used in traditional medicines like it was used many centuries by the people of Mokgola.  In traditional healing, Moologa is said to be good for chest pains, for coughs, fever, and respiratory disorders.  It is also said to be good for abdominal disturbances, for skin inflammation and for uterine disorders.

Moologa Herbal infusion has an irresistible aroma, and it is recorded that Bushman dried its leaves and powdered them to make perfume.


The calming effect of Moologa has found use in traditional medicines for stress management and nerve support and may assist with general body aches. The tea is said to provide the body with strength and vigor.


Optimally sun dried leaves of Croton gratissimus var gratissimus. No added artificial colourants and preservatives.


A cup to relax your mind and soul. 

An indigenous Herbal infusion of Mokgola, Zeerust North West Province of South Africa