AMITD has a very strong history on IKS research, community participation and collaborative initiatives, collaboration with the industry on herbal medicines. AMITD is a leader in the country on the research development and formulation research of traditional medicines and a recognized force in the science and pharmacology of African traditional medicines. AMITD works with IK communities of practice, in the field of health and traditional medical knowledge, together with the Traditional Health Practitioners (THPs) in South Africa and encourages them to meaningfully participate in the formal economy of the country, utilising their traditional medical knowledge based on the rich South African biodiversity in order to increase our discovery and innovations. AMITD does this though an inclusive model, which will significantly empower the communities that are involved to become full participants in the formal secondary national economies.

AMITD works with the private pharma industry, nationally and internationally, to address technological and herbal or ATM products challenges, which they need improved on and even develop new products for the current market needs.

AMITD research is on health and product development to produce new IP for commercialisation. AMITD core research in the R&D for priority diseases including address emerging and re-emerging pandemics.

In terms of teaching and training, AMITD has a large number of postgraduate students at Honours, Masters and PhD level as well a postdoctoral fellows to drive the research focus of the platform. AMITD core competency is to establish functional smart and strategic partnership while aiming to be a continental leader in the pharmacology research and development of traditional medicines. AMITD has an international outlook for the recognition and leadership position in this type of research.